There are no official workshops being held at my house in the near future, but I would like to announce a great way for east siders to fix up their homes, DIY style. From now on, this blog will primarily update on the progress of this group of east side DIYers, with the occasional announcement regarding continued work/bread workshops and neighborhood gatherings at 153 Eaton.
The idea behind the east side DIYers is that many hands make light work. A group of people lend a hand to their neighbor on a specific day with the expectation that a few weeks or a months down the road, it will be their turn to receive help from their neighbors. Today was the first of many future DIY parties, and it was a total success!

Creighton's house was the first guinea 10 this morning he had me grouting bathroom tiles, Gloria building a wall and some other folks drywalling and painting! A big hearty lunch was had by all (thanks Kiana!). Next up...Josh and Emily's house!
If you are interested in becoming involved in this work trade group and live on the east side, please email me at